Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guide 9
FCoE Initialization Protocol
The Dell FCoE hardware FIP discovery phase operates as follows:
• The Dell FCoE hardware uses the FCoE Initialization Protocol (FIP). Enodes discover FCFs and
initialize the FCoE connection through the FIP.
• Solicited advertisements—A typical scenario is where a Dell FCoE hardware receives a FIP
solicitation from an ENode. Replies to the original FIP solicitation are sent to the MAC address
embedded in the original FIP solicitation. After being accepted, the ENode is added to the
VN_port table.
• Login group—When enabled, replies to solicitations are sent only by Dell FCoE hardware that
have the ENode in the login group.
• VLAN 1—The Dell FCoE hardware should not forward FIP frames on VLAN 1 because it is
reserved for management traffic only.
• A fabric-provided MAC address is supported. A server-provided MAC-address is not supported
in the Fabric OS v6.3.1_cee release.
In the fabric-provided MAC address format, VN_port MAC addresses are based on a 24-bit
fabric-supplied value. The first three bytes of this value is referred to as the FCMAP. The next
three bytes are the FC ID, which is assigned by the switch when the ENode logs in to the switch.
FIP login
FIP login operates as follows:
• ENodes can log in to the Dell FCoE hardware using FIP. Fabric login (FLOGI) and fabric
discovery (FDISC) are accepted. Dell FCoE hardware in the fabric maintain the MAC address,
World Wide Name (WWN), and PID mappings per login. Each ENode port should have a unique
MAC address and WWN.
• FIP FLOGI—The Dell FCoE hardware accepts the FIP FLOGI from the ENode. The FIP FLOGI
acceptance (ACC) is sent to the ENode if the ENode MAC address or WWN matches the
VN_port table on the Dell FCoE hardware. The FIP FLOGI request is rejected if the ENode MAC
address or WWN does not match. The ENode login is added to the VN_port table. Fabric
Provided MAC addressing (FPMA) is supported.
• FIP FDISC—The Dell FCoE hardware accepts FIP FDISC from the ENode. FIP FDISC acceptance
(ACC) is sent to the ENode if the ENode MAC address or WWN matches the VN_port table on
the Dell FCoE hardware. The FIP FDISC request is rejected if the ENode MAC address or WWN
does not match. The ENode login is added to the VN_port table. FPMA is supported.
• Maximum logins per VF_port—The Dell FCoE hardware supports a maximum of 255 logins per
VF_port. The VF_port rejects further logins after the maximum is reached.
• Maximum logins per switch—The Dell FCoE hardware accepts a maximum of 1024 logins per
switch. Note that the Dell FCoE hardware does not reject further logins after the maximum is