9-10 Dell PowerVault SAN Administrator’sGuide
7. Obtain the updated drive firmware from the
Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel
CD or from the File Library at http://support.dell.com.
8. Copy the drive firmware file onto your C drive.
9. Close all application programs that access the hard-disk drives on which you plan
to update the firmware. However, you do not need to close Dell OpenManage
Data Administrator.
NOTICE: You must disable the cache on your storage processors before you
update the drive firmware.
10. Disable and deconfigure both the read cache and write cache before installing a
new version of the Flare and PROM code. To deconfigure means to set all mem-
ory partition sizes for array caching to 0.
The firmware can now be downloaded to the hard-disk drive. See the following sec-
tion for details.
Updating the Dell PowerVault 650F/651F/630F Drive
Firmware on Windows NT or Windows 2000
To update the firmware on the hard-disk drives in your Dell PowerVault 650F, 651F, or
630F system running Windows NT or Windows 2000, perform the following steps:
1. C lick Start—> Programs—> Dell OpenManage Manager—> PowerTool,and
click Data Detective.
2. MakesurethatthelocalhostmachinenameislistedintheSet/GetHostand
Device window and click Set.
3. In the Data Detective window, click Script and then click Get Hard Drive Info.
A window appears that lists the drive information, including the firmware
NOTICE: You must disable the cache on your storage processors before you
update the drive firmware. See the previous section for more details.
4. In the Data Detective window, click Download, and then click Disk Firmware
5. In the Download Disk Firmware window, type the path to the drive firmware file
and click Download.
6. Click OK when the download is complete.
NOTE: A firmware file is created for a specific drive model; other drive models
are not updated. You do not need to remove the other drive models if your sys-
tem has a mixture of hard-disk drives.
7. EnablethereadcacheandwritecacheonthestorageprocessorsintheData
Supervisor or Data Administrator window.