Upgrading Your Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Software and Firmware 9-5
5. Reboot the system.
You can now perform the software upgrade as described in the following section.
Installing the Software Upgrade on Windows NT or
Windows 2000 Systems
This procedure explains how to update or install the software needed for a SAN on
Windows NT or Windows 2000 systems.
1. Verify that Windows NT Server 4.0 and the required Service Pack (as described in
the Release Notes on the
Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities CD
) or Windows
2000 Server is installed on the system.
2. Verify that Dell OpenManage Data Supervisor, Data Administrator, Dell
OpenManage ATF, and all other Dell OpenManage Manager products
OpenManage Storage Consolidation are
completely removed
from the system by
checking that none of these products appear in the Start—>Programsmenu.
3. Set the screen resolution to 1024 x 768 pixels.
4. Verify that Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is installed on
the server.
5. Verify that SNMP is installed on your server.
6. Update the QLogic HBA NVRAM, BIOS and drivers and the QLogic Fibre Channel
Configuration Utility. For instructions about updating your NVRAM, BIOS and
drivers, see Chapter 10, “Installing and Configuring Hardware Devices in a
Windows SAN.“ For instructions for installing and configuring the QLogic Fibre
Channel Configuration Utility, see Chapter 11, “Installing, Configuring, and
Removing Microsoft Windows SAN Software Components,” and Chapter 12,
“Installing, Configuring, and Uninstalling Components in a Novell NetWare SAN.”
7. Update the Dell OpenManage Storage Consolidation software from the
PowerVault Fibre Channel Update CD Version 4.0
If you already have an earlier version of Storage Consolidation installed on the
servers connected to the SAN, you have the option of performing an upgrade
installation. This gives you the benefit of being able to update the Storage
Consolidation software without losing the assignment configuration of the virtual
disks on the SAN.
An upgrade installation is similar to a regular installation except that during the
installation, you will be asked if you want to do an upgrade installation. Answer-
ing yes will allow the installation software to proceed with the installation. For
instructions, see “Dell OpenManage Storage Consolidation” in Chapter 11, or
refer to the
Storage Consolidation User's Guide
NOTICE: To save your Storage Consolidation configuration, you must not
uninstall Storage Consolidation before executing the installation of the new
version of the software. Performing an uninstall will result in the loss of the
Storage Consolidation configuration for the server.