
Configuring the Switch 81
Dram second PTR is : 0xFE00000
Flash size is: 16M
Tuning File info. Ver: 0.2.80 Creation date: Aug 20 2003
PowerConnect 6024
Tapi Version: v1.1a1-P18
Core Version: v1.1a1-P18
18-May-2003 16:24:41 %INIT-I-InitCompleted: Initialization
task is completed
Start the sync process between devices 0 - 1
Sync OK
18-May-2003 16:24:41 %Box-W-PS-STAT-CHNG: PS# 1 status changed
- not operational
18-May-2003 16:24:41 %Box-I-PS-STAT-CHNG: PS# 2 status changed
- operational.
18-May-2003 16:24:41 %Box-W-FAN-STAT-CHNG: FAN# 1 status
changed - operational.
18-May-2003 16:24:41 %Box-I-FAN-STAT-CHNG: FAN# 2 status
changed - operational.
console> 18-May-2003 16:24:41 %DELL-I-STATUS: The product
global status has chan
ged from ok to non-critical at time 900.
18-May-2003 16:24:42 %LINK-W-Down: g1
18-May-2003 16:24:42 %LINK-W-Down: g2