NOTE: Routers or access points that support WPS are marked with this symbol:
NOTE: Routers or access points that support AOSS™ are marked with this symbol:
How to Configure Your Wireless Network Using the One Push Method of WPS or AOSS™
Related Models:Dell E514dw / Dell E515dw
1. Press Menu.
2. Press p or q to select the Network option, and then press OK.
3. Press p or q to select the WLAN option, and then press OK.
4. Press p or q to select the WPS/AOSS option, and then press OK.
5. When WLAN Enable ? appears, enable the wireless network.
This will start the wireless setup wizard.
6. When the LCD shows Start WPS/AOSS on your wireless access point/router., press the WPS
or AOSS™ button on your wireless access point/router. Then press OK and your machine will now automatically
detect which mode (WPS or AOSS™) your wireless access point/router uses and try to connect to your wireless
If your wireless device is connected successfully, the machine's LCD displays Connected. The machine will print
your machine's wireless status report. If the connection fails, check the error code on the printed report.
NOTE: If the connection fails, your machine reverts to a wired network interface.
For Windows
You have completed the wireless network setup. Install drivers and software necessary for operating your device from
the Installer CD-ROM.