343Machine Settings
Related Models:Dell E515dn / Dell E515dw
Level 1 Level 2 Descriptions
Quality -
Choose the Copy resolution for your type of document.
Brightness -
Adjust the brightness for copies.
Contrast -
Adjust the contrast for copies.
ID Copy Quality
Choose the Copy resolution for your type of document.
Adjust the brightness for copies.
Adjust the contrast for copies.
Make 2 in 1 ID copies.
Related Models:Dell E515dn / Dell E515dw
Level 1 Descriptions
Test Print
Print a test page.
Turn 2-sided printing off or on and select flip on long edge or short
Auto Continue
Select this setting if you want the machine to clear paper size errors
and to use the paper in the tray.
Reset Printer
Restore the printer settings to the factory settings.
Print Reports
Related Models:Dell E515dn / Dell E515dw
Level 1 Level 2 Descriptions
Transmission View on LCD
Display a Transmission Verification Report for your last transmission.
Print Report
Print a Transmission Verification Report for your last transmission.
Address Book Numeric
Print a list of names and numbers stored in the Address Book, in
numerical order.
Print a list of names and numbers stored in the Address Book, in
alphabetical order.
Fax Journal -
Print a list of information about your last 200 incoming and outgoing
(TX means Transmit. RX means Receive.)
Print Settings -
Print a list of your settings for printing.
User Settings -
Print a list of your settings.
Network Cong -
Print a list of your Network settings.
WLAN Report -
Print the result of wireless LAN connectivity.