Configuring IPv6 637
DHCPv6 Statistics
Use the DHCPv6 Statistics
page to display DHCPv6 statistics for one or all interfaces.
To display the page, click IPv6
Statistics in the tree view.
Figure 10-14. DHCPv6 Statistics
The DHCPv6 Statistics page displays the following fields:
— Select the interface for which data is to be displayed or configured. On selecting
, data
is shown for all interfaces.
Messages Received
This section specifies the aggregate of all interface level statistics for received messages:
DHCPv6 Solicit Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Solicits.
DHCPv6 Request Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Requests.
DHCPv6 Confirm Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Confirms.