Configuring Dell PowerConnect 95
The following is an example of the information that appears:
console>show version
Image Descriptions
image1 : default image
image2 :
Images currently available on Flash
unit image1 image2 current-active next-active
1 image2 image2
Enter the command
copy tftp://{tftp address}/{file name} image
to copy a new
system image to the switch.
When the new image is downloaded, it is saved in the area allocated for the other copy of system image
(image2, as given in the example). The following is an example of the information that appears:
console#copy tftp:// image
Mode........................................... TFTP
Set TFTP Server IP.............................
TFTP Path...................................... ./
TFTP Filename.................................. PC6224v3.2.1.0.stk
Data Type...................................... Code
Destination Filename........................... image
Management access will be blocked for the duration of the transfer
Are you sure you want to start? (y/n) y