Organizing Your Cables
After attaching all necessary cables to your monitor and computer, (see Connecting Your Monitor)usethecablemanagementslottoorganizeallcablesas
shown above.
Attaching the Soundbar(optional)
To attach the soundbar:
Wall-Mounting the Monitor (Mounting Fixture not Supplied)
Refer to the instructions that come with the base mounting kit. To convert your LCD display from a desk-mounted to a wall-mounted display, do the following:
1. Verify that the Power Control (Touch Sensor) is turned Off, then disconnect the power cord.
2. Lay the LCD display face down on a towel or blanket.
3. Remove the Plastic Covers from the back of the LCD display.
4. Remove the four screws attaching the base (Screw dimension: M4 x 10mm).
5. Remove the Rubber Plugs from inside the four VESA screw holes.
6. AttachthemountingbracketfromtheVESAcompatiblewallmountingkit(100mmx100mmdistance).
7. Attach the LCD display to the wall, following the instructions in the wall-mounting kit.
NOTICE: DonotusewithanydeviceotherthantheDellSoundbar.
Working from the back of the monitor, attach Soundbar by aligning the two slots with the two tabs along the bottom of the monitor.
Slide the Soundbar to the left until it snaps into place.
Connect the Soundbar with the DC power connector from the Soundbar Power Adaptor.
Insert the mini stereo plug from the back of the Soundbar into the computer's audio output jack.
Before you mount the monitor on a wall, a swing arm, or other mounting fixture, you must remove the base and the
pedestal. You will need a Phillp’s screwdriver. Read the following warning and caution statements before beginning
the procedure.
WARNING:Toreducetheriskofpersonalinjuryorofdamagetotheequipment,checkthatthewall-mounting fixture
is adequately installed and secured before attaching the monitor. Refer to the instructions supplied with the wall-
mounting fixture and check that it is capable of supporting the monitor.
Preparing the double-hinged monitor for wall-mounting
WARNING:Donotplacethedouble-hinged monitor face down for folding.
The base hinge can spring up and cause serious injury or damage.
NOTE: For use only with UL Listed Wall Mount Bracket with minimum weight/load: 2.05lbs (4.44kg).