
20 | SRA 7.0 User Guide
Enter the PIN in the New PIN field and again in the Confirm PIN field and click OK. The PIN
must be between 4 and 8 characters long.
Step 6 The RSA Authentication Manager verifies that the new PIN is an acceptable PIN. If the PIN is
accepted, the user is prompted to log in with the new passcode.
Waiting for the Next Token Mode
If user authentication fails three consecutive times, the RSA server requires the user to
generate and enter a new token. To complete authentication, the user is prompted to wait for
the token to change and enter the next token.
VASCO Two-Factor User Authentication Process
The following sections describe user tasks when using RSA two-factor authentication:
“Logging into the SSL VPN Virtual Office Using VASCO Two-Factor Authentication” on
page 21
“Creating a New PIN” on page 19