24 | SRA 7.0 User Guide
Verifying User One-Time Password Configuration
If you are successfully logged in to Virtual Office, you have correctly used the One-Time
Password feature.
If you cannot login using the One-Time Password feature, verify the following:
• Are you able to login to the Virtual Office without being prompted to check your email for a
one-time password? You have not been enabled to use the One-Time Password feature.
Contact your SSL VPN Administrator.
• Is your email address correct? If your email address has been entered incorrectly, contact
your SSL VPN Administrator to correct it.
• Is there no email with a one-time password? Wait a few minutes and refresh your email
inbox. Check your spam filter. If there is no email after several minutes, try to login again
to generate a new one-time password.
• Have you accurately typed the one-time password in the correct field? Re-type or copy and
paste the one-time password.