coee mill is in operation.
If the coee is delivered too slowly
or not at all, turn one click clockwise
towards “7”.
For fuller bodied creamier coee on the
other hand, turn one click anticlockwise
towards “1” (do not turn more than one
click at a time otherwise the coee could be delivered a drop
at a time).
These adjustments will only be evident after at least 2 cups of
coee have been delivered.
If this adjustment does not obtain the desired result, turn the
dial another click.
Tips for a hotter coee
For a hotter coee, before delivery you are recommended to:
• performarinsecyclebyselectingthe“Rinsing”functionin
the settings menu (page 10)
• warm the cups with hot water (using the hot water
• increase the coee temperature in the settings menu
(page 10).
Making coee using coee beans
Do not use caramelized or candied coee beans as they could
stick to the coee mill and make it unusable.
1. Place coee beans in the coee bean container (g. 13).
2. Place under the coee dispensing spouts, either:
- 1 cup if you want one coee (g. 14);
- 2 cups if you want 2 coees.
3. Lower the spouts as near as possible to the cup. This makes
a creamier coee (g. 15).
4. Press the button corresponding to the number of coees
required (1 cup or 2 cups , gs. 11 and
5. Preparation begins. The amount of coee selected is
displayed together with a progress bar which gradually
lls as preparation progresses.
Please note:
• Whilethecoeemakerismakingcoee,deliverycanbe
interrupted at any moment by pressing one of the two
coee buttons (
or ).
• Attheendofdelivery,toincreasethequantityofcoee
in the cup, just press (within 3 seconds) one of the coee
buttons (
or ).
Once the coee has been made, the appliance is ready to use
Please note!
• Variousalarmmessagescouldbedisplayedwhileusing
the machine (ll tank, empty grounds container, etc.).
Their meaning is explained in the section “Displayed
messages” (page 20).
• For hotter coee, see the section “Tips for a hotter coee”
(page 12).
• If the coee is delivered a drop at a time, too weak and
not creamy enough or too cold, read the tips in the
“Troubleshooting” section on page 21.
Making coee using pre-ground coee
• Neveraddpre-groundcoeewhenthemachineisoorit
could spread through the inside of the machine and dirty
This could damage the appliance.
• Never use more than 1 level measure or it could dirty the
inside of the coee maker or block the funnel.
Please note!
If you use pre-ground coee, you can only make one cup
of coee at a time.
1. Press the button (g. 9) until “Pre-ground” is
2. Open the beans container lid; then open the pre-ground
coee funnel lid by pushing on PUSH and, once released,
open the lid.
3. Make sure the funnel is not blocked, then add one level
measure of pre-ground coee (g. 17).
4. Place a cup under the coee spouts.
5. Press the 1 cup coee button (g. 11).
6. Preparation begins. The amount of coee selected is
displayed together with a progress bar which gradually
lls as preparation progresses.
Please note!
If “Energy saving” mode is enabled, you may have to wait a few
seconds before the rst coee is delivered.
Please note!
• Toavoidproducingmilkwithpoorfrothorlargebubbles,
always clean the milk container lid and hot water nozzle
as described in the section “Cleaning the milk container”
on pages 14 and 17.