7 Configuration Command Reference
7.4.2 ATM_STREAM – Configure ATM Cell Stream
Configures an ATM Cell Stream.
ATM_STREAM <id> <board_id> <cellstream_id> <liu_id> <options> <ima_frame_len> <max_frame_len> <def_vpi>
<def_vci> <timeslot>
ATM_STREAM 3 0 3 3 0x00 0 280 12 10 0xfffefffe
The ATM_STREAM command includes the following parameters:
• <id>
The logical Cell Stream ID from the user's perspective.
• <board_id>
The board ID of the signaling processor allocated for this ATM link.
• <cellstream_id>
The Layer 2 ID of the cell stream within the board. In the range of 0 to one less than the number of cell
streams supported per board.
• <liu_id>
Line Interface Units (LIUs) to be used by the cell stream. If IMA is active (Bit 3 of the <options>
parameter), the parameter is a bitmap of the LIUs to be used by the bundle (bit 0 = LIU 0, etc.). If IMA
is not active, the parameter identifies the LIU to be used.
• <options>
A 16-bit value containing additional options for the ATM link. The bit significance is as follows:
— Bit 0 - Enable payload scrambling
— Bit 1 - Use ATM coset in HEC calculation
— Bit 2 - Autocorrect invalid cells if possible
— Bit 3 - Configuration describes an IMA bundle
Note: Either Payload Scrambling or ATM Coset mode, or both, must be enabled for correct operation.
Configurations which disable both options will be rejected.
• <ima_frame_len>
The length of the IMA frame (for IMA use only).
Note: For non IMA streams this field is reserved ans should be set to zero.
• <max_frame_len>
The maximum length of a reassembled (AAL) frame. Frames longer than this will be discarded by the
ATM layer. Recommended value is 280.
• <def_vpi>
A default AAL5 link will be configured for the cell stream to signal incoming active connections. This is the
VPI that will be used for this connection.
Value Options
1 32 cells per IMA frame
2 64 cells per IMA frame
3 128 cells per IMA frame
4 256 cells per IMA frame