PRBS Pseudo Random Bit Sequence. A technique used for bit error rate testing on T1/E1/J1
Q.SAAL Link conforming to Q.2140/Q.2110/GR-2878.
RAI Remote Alarm Indication (Yellow alarm).
route An MTP3 concept that determines how signaling is distributed over linksets. A route
consists of a destination point code and the linkset ID of one or two linksets over which
traffic to the destination node should be routed. When two linksets are provided, the user
can choose to load share traffic or treat the linksets as primary and secondary.
s7_log A utility that enables messages received from the protocol stack to be logged in a text
file. Typically used for diagnostic purposes.
s7_mgt A utility that performs one time protocol configuration of all protocol modules using
configuration parameters from the config.txt file.
s7_play A utility that can be used to generate messages from a text file and send them to the
system. Typically used for diagnostic purposes.
SCCP Signal Connection Control Part. An SS7 stack layer that allows a software application at
a specific node in an SS7 network to be addressed.
SLS Signaling Link Selection field. A field in the MTP3 routing label used to determine the
selection of an outgoing link for messages being routed to another point code.
SS7 Signaling System Number 7
SS7 Protocol Stack A set of software modules that implement the various layers of the SS7 protocol stack.
SS7MD An identifier for the family of Dialogic® Multi Dimension Network Interface Boards.
SS7MDDVR Device driver for Dialogic® Multi Dimension Network Interface Boards.
ssdm A process that runs on the host interfacing with the device driver to download software
to the board and enable message passing to and from the board.
STP Signaling Transfer Point.
system.txt A text file used for system configuration.
TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part. An SS7 stack layer that enables the deployment
of intelligent network and mobile services by supporting non-circuit related information
exchange between signaling points using the SCCP connectionless service.
ttu An example program that demonstrates how a user application can interface with the
TCAP protocol module.
TUP Telephone User Part. An SS7 stack layer that is the predecessor to ISUP (Integrated
Services User Part). TUP was employed for call control purposes within and between
national networks, both wireline and wireless. ISUP adds support for data, advanced
ISDN, and IN (Intelligent Networks). See also ISUP.
upe A worked example of exchanging messages with the MTP3 module.
VCI Virtual Channel Indicator
VPI Virtual Path Indicator