
TX 4000 PCI SS7 Network Interface Board Installation Manual Overview of the TX 4000 board
NaturalAccess™ Signaling Software provides the following programs in compiled and
uncompiled form to demonstrate the usage of the TDM libraries. For information
about these programs, refer to the Dialogic® TX Series SS7 Boards TDM for SS7
Developer's Reference Manual.
Program Demonstrates how to...
t1demo Test the T1/E1 and H.100 library functions with TX boards in a system.
t1stat Receive unsolicited T1/E1 status messages and performance reports.
txdynamic Dynamically switch SS7 links across TDM channels without rebooting the TX boards.
txsdemo Use the TX SWI library. Use this program as a starting point to control switching on a TX
4000 board.
Dialogic Corporation 13