TX 4000 PCI SS7 Network Interface Board Installation Manual Configuring the TX 4000 board
Saving configuration changes
In a Windows system, any changes that you make to the configuration information
with the txcpcfg utility are saved automatically.
In a UNIX system, changes that you make to the configuration information with the
txcpcfg utility are deleted when you restart the system. Save the changes by editing
the cpcfg file as described in the following procedure:
Step Action
1 At the prompt in the UNIX system, view the current configuration updates by entering the
following command:
txcpcfg displays the bus number, slot number, CP number, and CP model type of each TX board
in the system. For example:
Bus Slot CP Number CP Model
2 2 1 TX 4000
2 8 3 TX 4000
2 Using a text editor, open the cpcfg configuration file. The file contains the original configuration
information that existed before you ran the txcpcfg utility and made changes. For example:
# Command Bus Slot CP Number
txcpcfg 2 2 1
txcpcfg 2 8 2
Note: The cpcfg file does not specify the CP model type. The model type is automatically
determined each time the host operating system is booted.
3 Following the cpcfg file format, edit the entry in the cpcfg file for the TX board CP number that
you are updating. If you are adding a new board, add a new txcpcfg entry to the cpcfg file.
Continuing with the example in step 1, the board with a CP number of 2 is updated to reflect the
new CP number of 3.
# Command Bus Slot CP Number
txcpcfg 2 2 1
txcpcfg 2 8 3
4 Save and close the cpcfg file.
The cpcfg script executes as part of the boot process and applies the new configuration settings.
Dialogic Corporation 27