
Editing a Preset
The Bass30 allows you to edit the User Presets to your liking. You can change the effects that are used in the
Preset, alter the values of the effect Parameters, or bypass an effect. This is a very simple process and gives you the
ability to create custom sounds to suit your application or taste. You must start with an existing Preset. It is not
possible to start with a blank Preset. Once you have selected a Preset as your starting point, you can select the
effect type that you want and then fine tune the Parameters of the effects.
User Interface
Choosing the type of effect that you want to use in a Preset is extremely easy. The Bass30 has been divided into
groups of effects. Each effect group is accessed by a dedicated effect group button. Simply press the effect button
that represents the effect group that you want to use, change, or bypass. The following describes the functions of
each button in the user interface: