
Noise Gate - A Noise Gate keeps unwanted noise from being heard when you are not playing. When the gate
is closed, it will not allow ambient noise to come through. A noise gate uses a threshold, which is the volume level
required to open the gate. If the threshold is set too high, requiring a stronger signal than your bass is producing,
the gate will not open, and no sound will be heard. The gate on the Bass30 is also used for auto volume swells.
When you have selected the gate to act as an auto volume swell, you can play a note on your bass and the sound
will automatically fade in. There are 10 Gate Threshold settings (1 - 10 with 1 being the most sensitive and
progressing to10 requiring the strongest level to open), and 9 Auto Swell settings (A1 opens with a weak signal
and fades in quickly, progressing to A9 requiring a stronger signal and fades in slower).
Chorus - A Chorus is an effect that thickens to your bass signal. A Chorus works by splitting your signal into
two signals, adding a short delay to one of the signals, then changing the delay time at an even rate and mixing it
back with the original. This results in a slight fluctuation in pitch of the delayed signal giving the thickness as if
two bass guitars were playing together.
Flange - A Flanger is similar to a Chorus as far as what it is technically doing, but it sounds very different. It
adds a “whooshing up, and down” sound to your bass by incorporating regeneration into the delayed signal.
Phaser - A Phaser is an effect that splits the incoming signal into two signals, and changes the phase of one
signal. This phase is changed at an even rate, and mixed back in with the original sound. The changing phase
mixed with the original signal causes different frequencies to be canceled, resulting in a warm, twisting effect
added to your instrument.
Vibrato - Vibrato is an effect that modulates the frequency of your signal at a steady rate. This results in a
pronounced fluctuation in pitch
Envelope - The Envelope Effects alter your sound based upon how hard you play. The softer that you play, the
less intense the sweep of the FL (Flanger) or PH (Phaser) effect will be. The harder that you play, the more
intense the sweep will be.