
VigorPro5500 Series User’s Guide
For adding a new rule, click Add to open the following page.
ACT Check this box to invoke these settings.
Local Address Click the Edit button to set the local IP address (on LAN) for
the rule.
Remote Address Click the Edit button to set the remote IP address (on
Lan/WAN) for the rule.
Edit It allows you to edit source address information.
Address Type – Determine the address type for the source
For Single Address, you have to fill in Start IP address.
For Range Address, you have to fill in Start IP address and
End IP address.
For Subnet Address, you have to fill in Start IP address and
Subnet Mask.
DiffServ CodePoint All the packets of data will be divided with different levels
and will be processed according to the level type by the
system. Please assign one of the level of the data for
processing with QoS control.
Service Type It determines the service type of the data for processing with
QoS control. It can also be edited. You can choose the
predefined service type from the Service Type drop down list.
Those types are predefined in factory. Simply choose the one
that you want for using by current QoS.
By the way, you can set up to 20 rules for one Class. If you want to edit an existed rule,
please select the radio button of that one and click Edit to open the rule edit page for