VigorPro5500 Series User’s Guide
Type links Click any anti-intrusion type link to access into next page for
configuring the rules settings. Here we provide several rules
for each type. The factory types and rules for anti-intrusion are
shown in this page. If you want to acquire more types and
rules, please go to www.vigorpro.com and finish the
registration work. Later, the wide range of anti-intrusion types
will be added into this page.
After you click any one of type links, you can access into the rules setup page for activating
rules. We take the type of BO as an example. Below is the rules setup page for BO type.
For the detailed information about the full name, meaning of each rule and/or type, you can
click the name link list on the Anti-Intrusion Rules Setup page to connect VigorPro webpage
for viewing.
Enable Check to enable this rule. If you uncheck this box, the
corresponding settings for the rule will not be executed.
SID The number for each anti-intrusion rule is displayed in this
Name A brief description name for the anti-intrusion rule is shown in
this field. Click the name link to access into VigorPro website
for checking the detailed information for the specified anti-
Severity It means the degree of the influence for this type to the
computer, machine, network and environment.
H: representing that this type will cause severest affection
which must crash/destroy your computer.
M: representing that this type will cause severer affection
which might crash your computer.
L: representing that this type will cause small affection which
might not crash your computer.
Log In order to show the detection log with such rule on the
window of Draytek Syslog, you have to check the log box
here and enable the SysLog Access Setup from System
Maintenance >> Syslog/Mail Alert.