
6. Sound not in sync with picture.
* Turn off the DTS player until the audience leaves. Get the DTS numbered leader. Thread it through DTS
& projector. Put “00” at reader’s lens and find number at sound head. This is your OFFSET number.
If DTS leader is not available, do the frame count method: Count the number of frames from the DTS reader lens to the
picture aperture. Multiply the result by 1.25 and subtract one. The outcome is the offset number. Example: 27 frames
X 1.25 = 33.75 - 1 = 32.75. Round this number off the next whole number, so 33 would be your offset number.
Verify the result is the same number adjusted on the DTS player’s OFFSET switches. Change if necessary.
* Sound sync is verified to picture by watching mouth movements in tight shot dialogue scenes. If the sound is
before the picture, a larger
OFFSET number is needed. If the sound is after the picture, a smaller offset number
is needed. Do NOT watch effects when verifying sync.
* Thread the film exactly the same way as when calculating the offset. Leave threading map.
Make same size loops. • Thread though same reader(s)
Thread though same rollers. NOTE:
OFFSET cannot exceed 70 on DTS player.
* If the sync looks good then drifts off or changing the OFFSET switches has no effect on delay, the switches are
bad. Replace D422 (timecode board) or player.
* Use the “Projector Speed Disc” to verify projector is not running off-speed.
7. Have no DTS discs.
Request discs from film distributor. If they have none, call nearest DTS office. DTS movie discs should
ALWAYS be returned with print.
8. Low surrounds. DTS Surrounds should always be 82dB, check this with a DTS Setup Disc and SPL meter.
NOTE: Surrounds are not always used throughout the film and they are almost always designed to be subtle.
* DTS-6, verify wiring to CP use AUX, do not use MAG input.
* DTS-6 to an UltraStereo, be sure pin 18 is cut away on the DTS audio board. If not cut, it will cause the left
surround and mono surround outputs to be tied together, lowering left surround’s output and rolling off its high
end when the DTS-6 player is set for split surround.
9. Channels are mixed.
* Apparent in optical as well? Not a DTS player problem. Are all the amps on? Check ground wiring.
* Apparent in DTS only, turn off the DTS player until there is time to troubleshoot.
Use DTS Setup Disc to verify DTS SPL adjustments. Use multimeter to follow the signal path.
Are the DTS breakout boards attached correctly to CP? Check DTS audio board for opens or shorts.
DTS6: Is JM21 plugged in correctly? Look at orientation of PIN 1. Is the 50-pin cable pushed down?
DTS6D: Is the ANALOG cable pushed down? Is the DTS audio card on CP connected correctly?
10. Sound wows. Explosion sounds are heard.
* Apparent in optical as well? Not a DTS player problem. Are all the amps on? Check projector speed.
* Apparent in DTS only, turn off the DTS player until there is time to troubleshoot.
Verify DTS player has most current TCR firmware (U14). As of this writing, the current firmware version is V1.45.
Contact DTS for the latest firmware version.
Test the speed of the projector by using the DTS Projector Speed Test Disc. Follow directions included with disc.
Is the timecode reader’s green LED blinking? If yes, see BLINKING TIMECODE READER LED”, Section VI, DTS Reader.
11. Silence between reels, digital sound starts late.
The DTS player OFFSET cannot exceed 70. If it does, reposition reader or rethread film so OFFSET is <71.