• Verify drive assignments and that each drive is spinning.
• Verify that the ROM-DOS chip is programmed with the latest version firmware. NOTE: On DTS
players with
FUTURE DOMAIN SCSI board, the ROM-DOS RevE is located at U12 on the DTS D422 board.
If the DTS player uses
ADAPTEC SCSI board, U12 is not used. Instead, AQRM chip is installed in the
ACQUTEK board (and not used on D422).
• Check the Acqutek “AQRM” chip. If its called “ROMDOSB”, replace and recheck it.
• If the small red LED is lit on the ROM card, this indicates a watchdog error. Replace the card.
Missing channels
• Verify the DTS-6 channel outputs at JM21. Use a DTS RevC disc to test.
• Look for signal coming into the D426 (transformer) board.
• Verify the signal passes through the board when relays are energized. The relays are when player switches into
DIGITAL). Possible bad relay, transformer, or cable connection.
• If all the channels are missing but the audio is present on the boards, the problem could also be that the D426
(transformer) board relays are not energized. They are powered from the D421 board. A relay “click” should be heard
when the unit switches into
• The channel outputs are derived from the following:
• Left and Left Surround from the D420 board.
• Center, Right, Right Surround from the D421 board
• Subwoofer from the D421 (to D426 transformer board) and D420 (switched output to 15-pin connector).
• If a single channel is missing, find the board with the missing channel and replace it. If the audio is
present on the board but not on the output of the unit, check the cable running from the D421 to the
D426 transformer board.
There are only a few items that can be checked for audio failure on the D536 board.
• Check the ribbon cable from the D536 to the filter board D562. Check both ends.
• Check that all IC chips are pushed down in their sockets.
• Check U20 at pins 1 (-15VDC), 2 (ground), and 3 (+15VDC). Replace U20 if bad.
Check U23 for an output of +12VDC and U22 for an output of -12VDC
• If there are other failures, replace D536 board.