
With Glyphosate
DuPont™ HARMONY® GT XP herbicide may be tank mixed
ith glyphosate for control of certain broadleaf weeds in
oundup Ready or Roundup Ready X "STS stacked trait"
oybeans. For tank mixtures of HARMONY® GT XP plus
glyphosate herbicide, always read and follow all use directions,
restrictions, and pre-cautions on the EPA approved labels.
When tank mixing, the most restrictive labeling applies.
When tank mixing HARMONY® GT XP with glyphosate, it is
recommended to add ammonium sulfate (AMS) at 4.25 - 17 lb
per 100 gal of spray mixture. See the glyphosate manufacturer’s
label for specific ammonium nitrogen recommendations. When
velvetleaf is present, ammonium sulfate is required at a
minimum rate of 2 lb per acre.
The addition of surfactant at 0.125 - 0.25% v/v (1-2 pt per 100
gal spray mixture) to some HARMONY® GT XP plus
glyphosate tank mixes will improve weed control when
glyphosate products are used that do not contain built-in
adjuvant systems. Glyphosate products differ in their adjuvant
contents. Glyphosate products such as Glyphomax or Roundup
Original allow for addition of surfactants. See the
manufacturer’s specific surfactant recommendations.
Before making applications of HARMONY® GT XP to
soybeans previously treated with other herbicides, ensure that
the soybeans are free from stress (herbicide or environmental)
and actively growing.
Do not apply to sweet corn, popcorn or field corn grown for
Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation systems.
Do not graze or feed forage or grain from treated field corn to
livestock within 30 days of application.
This product is limited to ground application only in the State of
New York. Do not apply by air in that state.
HARMONY® GT XP may be applied to 2-6 leaf field corn (1-
5 collars, up to 16 inches tall) at a rate of 0.083 (1/12) ounce per
acre. Do not apply to field corn taller than 16 inches or 5 collars,
whichever is more restrictive.
HARMONY® GT XP may be applied as a tank mixture with
labeled rates of atrazine and glyphosate. Do not tank mix with
other corn herbicides unless specified on HARMONY® GT XP
labels or technical bulletins.
Apply HARMONY® GT XP to field corn hybrids with a
Relative Maturity (RM) of 88 days or more, including "food
grade" (yellow dent, hard endosperm), waxy and high-oil corn.
Not all field corn hybrids of less than 88 days RM, not all white
corn hybrids or Hi-Lysine hybrids have been tested for crop
safety, nor does DuPont have access to all seed company data.
Consequently, injury arising from the use of HARMONY
XP on these types of corn is the responsibility of the user.
Consult with your seed supplier before applying HARMONY®
GT XP to any of these corn types.
Do not make more than one application per season.
Apply to weeds whose first true leaves are expanded but before
weeds exceed the sizes listed below.
When applied as directed, HARMONY® GT XP will control
the following weeds:
EED Maximum Size (Inches)
Velvetleaf 6
Pigweed species 12
Lambsquarters 4
Annual smartweeds 6
Wild mustard up to 4”
in diameter
Always add either nonionic surfactant at 0.25% v/v (1 qt/100
gal) or crop oil concentrate at 1% v/v (1 gal/100 gal) plus either
ammonium nitrogen solution such as 28% UAN (2-4 qt/acre) of
ammonium sulfate (2-4 lb/acre).
When tank mixing HARMONY® GT XP with glyphosate, it is
recommended to add ammonium sulfate (AMS) at 4.25 - 17 lb
per 100 gal of spray mixture. See the glyphosate manufacturer’s
label for specific ammonium nitrogen recommendations. When
velvetleaf is present, ammonium sulfate is required at a
minimum rate of 2 lb per acre.
The addition of surfactant at 0.125 - 0.25% v/v (1-2 pt per 100
gal spray mixture) to some HARMONY® GT XP plus
glyphosate tank mixes will improve weed control when
glyphosate products are used that do not contain built-in
adjuvant systems. Glyphosate products differ in their adjuvant
contents. Glyphosate products such as Glyphomax or Roundup
Original allow for addition of surfactants. See the
manufacturer’s specific surfactant recommendations.
HARMONY® GT XP may interact with certain insecticides
previously applied to the crop. Crop response varies with field
corn type, insecticide used, insecticide application method, and
soil type.
HARMONY® GT XP may be applied to corn previously
treated with "Fortress", "Aztec", "Force" or non-
organophosphate (OP) soil insecticides regardless of soil type.
• DO NOT APPLY HARMONY® GT XP to corn previously
treated with Counter 15G.
Applications of HARMONY® GT XP to corn previously
treated with “Counter 20CR”, “Lorsban” or “Thimet” may
cause unacceptable crop injury, especially on soils of less than
4% organic matter.
• Applications of HARMONY® GT XP to corn previously
treated with “Lorsban”, or other organophosphate insecticides
not listed above, may result in temporary crop injury.
HARMONY® GT XP may be used as a burndown treatment to
crop stubble when the majority of weeds have emerged and are
actively growing. (See the "CROP ROTATION" section of this
label for additional information).