
- Calibrate sprayers only with clean water away from the well
- Make scheduled checks of spray equipment.
Assure accurate measurement of pesticides by all operation
- Mix only enough product for the job at hand.
- Avoid over-filling of spray tank.
- Do not discharge excess material on the soil at a single spot in
the field/grove or mixing/loading station.
- Dilute and agitate excess solution and apply at labeled
- Avoid storage of pesticides near well sites.
- When triple rinsing the pesticide container, be sure to add the
rinsate to the spray mix.
DuPont™ HARMONY® GT XP herbicide is recommended for
selective postemergence control of certain broadleaf weeds in
wheat (including durum), barley, oat, triticale, post-harvest
burndown, pre-plant burndown, fallow, corn and soybeans.
HARMONY® GT XP is a dry flowable granule to be mixed in
water or other recommended carrier and applied as a uniform
broadcast spray. It is noncorrosive, nonflammable, nonvolatile
and does not freeze.
Best results are obtained when HARMONY® GT XP is applied
to young, actively growing weeds. The use rate will depend on
weed spectrum and size of weed at time of application. The
degree of control and duration of effect are dependent on rate
used, sensitivity and size of target weed and environmental
conditions at the time of and following application.
HARMONY® GT XP stops growth of susceptible weeds
rapidly. However, typical symptoms of dying weeds
(discoloration) may not be noticeable for 1-3 weeks after
application (2-5 weeks for wild garlic) depending on the
environmental conditions and weed susceptibility. Warm, moist
conditions following treatment promote the activity of
HARMONY® GT XP, while cold, dry conditions delay the
activity. Weeds hardened-off by cold weather or drought stress
will be less susceptible.
A vigorous growing crop will aid weed control by shading and
providing competition for weeds. However, a dense crop
canopy at time of application can intercept spray and result in
reduced weed control. Weeds may not be adequately controlled
in areas of thin crop stand or seeding skips.
Applications made to weeds that are in the cotyledon stage,
larger than the size indicated, or to weeds under stress may
result in unsatisfactory control.
HARMONY® GT XP may injure crops that are stressed
from adverse environmental conditions (such as extreme
temperatures or moisture), abnormal soil conditions, or
cultural practices. In addition, different varieties of the crop
may have differing levels of sensitivity to treatment with
HARMONY® GT XP under otherwise normal conditions.
Treatment of sensitive crop varieties may injure crops.
Weed control may be reduced if rainfall or snowfall occurs
oon after application. Several hours of dry weather are
needed to allow HARMONY® GT XP to be sufficiently
absorbed by weed foliage.
o reduce the potential of crop injury in cereals, tank mix
HARMONY® GT XP with 2,4-D (ester formulations
perform best–see the "TANK MIXTURES" section of this
label) and apply after the crop is in the tillering stage of
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner
inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or
other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected
handlers may be in the area during application. For any
requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency
responsible for pesticide regulation.
Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
HARMONY® GT XP herbicide should be used only in
accordance with recommendations on this label or in separately
published DuPont recommendations.
DuPont will not be responsible for losses or damages resulting
from the use of this product in any manner not specifically
recommended by DuPont.
GT XP XP is recommended for use on wheat,
barley, oat, triticale, fallow, corn, soybeans and as a pre-plant
and/or post-harvest burndown herbicide in most states. Check
with your state extension service or Department of Agriculture
before use, to be certain HARMONY® GT XP is registered in
your state.
Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and
with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170.
This Standard contains requirements for the protection of
agricultural workers on farms, forests, nurseries, and
greenhouses, and handlers of agricultural pesticides. It
contains requirements for training, decontamination,
notification, and emergency assistance. It also contains
specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the
statements on this label about personal protective
equipment (PPE) and restricted-entry interval. The
requirements in this box only apply to uses of this product
that are covered by the Worker Protection Standard.
Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during
the restricted entry interval (REI) of 4 hours.
PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is
permitted under the Worker Protection Standard and that
involves contact with anything that has been treated, such
as plants, soil, or water, is:
Chemical Resistant Gloves, Category A, (such as
butyl rubber, natural rubber, neoprene rubber, or
nitrile rubber), all >14 mils.
Shoes plus socks.