User's manual OnCourse Navigator 5
- 110 - Keeping the logbook
7.5 Keeping the logbook
Survey You may make OnCourse Navigator keep a logbook. Any start
of the logbook forces the creation of an Excel file in the root
directory of your Pocket PC. You may transmit those files to your
PC and open them with, e.g., Microsoft Excel.
1. Tap the Logbook icon.
Starting the
The L
OGBOOK screen opens:
2. Enter the reason of your journey into the Comment field.
3. Enter the mileage at the beginning of your trip into the
Mileage field.
4. Tap the Reason button and indicate whether it is a Business
journey or a Private journey.
5. Tap
The system creates the first logbook entry. The Logbook icon
toggles to
Logbook activated.
Exiting the logbook… Collecting data on your trip stops when you arrive at your
destination, when you quit navigation, or when you quit
OnCourse Navigator.
Alternatively you may tap the Logbook icon. Tap the Action
field and select Exit. The Logbook icon toggles to
Logbook deactivated..