User's manual OnCourse Navigator 5
Operating the navigation software - 33 -
3. Buttons to enter data.
Subsequently, these buttons will be referred to as entry
fields. The caption either your last entry or <please select>.
They are buttons like City or ZIP, Street, Category (of a
POI) etc.
When you tap an entry field, another screen with a software
keyboard, a list, or with both of them opens where you can
make your entries. This entry must be confirmed by clicking
another button (normally OK or Save) before the entry
screen closes. Your entry becomes then the caption of the
entry field.
For information on the use of the keyboard, please refer to
„Software keyboard", page 26.
For information on working with lists, please refer to "
3.4 Lists
Survey There are many cases where you have to select an entry from a
If, for example, you have not completely entered the name of a
city before tapping OK, a list appears which contains all cities
beginning with your entry or having it into their names. The ZIP
code of the cities also indicated in order to allow you to choose
the correct one if there is more than one city with the same
Entry with focus One of the entries has the focus. This entry is written in bold.
Moreover, there is often some additional information on that
entry in a 2
or 3
line. In a list of cities, there is indicated the
country (or state or province) the respective city belongs to.
Icons At the right hand side of lists, there are three icons:
OK: Tap this icon to confirm the selection of the entry with the
focus (which is placed directly at the left of the OK icon).
Up: Tap this icon to scroll the list one item up.
Down: Tap this icon to scroll the list one item down.