Food to be dried Temperature
in °C
Shelf level Time (hours)
1 level 2 levels
Plums 60 - 70 3 1 / 4 8 - 10
Apricots 60 - 70 3 1 / 4 8 - 10
Apple slices 60 - 70 3 1 / 4 6 - 8
Pears 60 - 70 3 1 / 4 6 - 9
• Only use usual preserving jars of the
same dimension.
• Do not use jars with twist-off or bayonet
type lids and metal tins.
• Use the first shelf level from the bottom.
• Use the baking tray. You can put six 1-li-
tre jars maximum on it.
• Fill all the jars to the same level and close
them correctly.
• Put the jars on the shelf, make sure that
they do not touch each other.
• Fill approximately 1/2 litre of water into
the flat baking tray to have sufficient mois-
ture in the oven.
• When the liquid lightly starts to bubble in
the first jars (after about 35-60 minutes
with 1 litre jars), switch off the oven or de-
crease the temperature to 100°C ( see ta-
Preserving tables
Soft fruit
Preserve Temperature in °C Time until sim-
mering in min.
Continue to cook
at 100°C in min.
Strawberries, blueberries, rasp-
berries, ripe gooseberries
160 - 170 35 - 45 ---
Unripe gooseberries 160 - 170 35 - 45 10 - 15
Stone fruit
Preserve Temperature in °C Time until sim-
mering in min.
Continue to cook
at 100°C in min.
Pears, quinces, plums 160 - 170 35 - 45 10 - 15
Preserve Temperature in °C Time until sim-
mering in min.
Continue to cook
at 100°C in min.
160 - 170 50 -60 5 - 10
Cucumbers 160 - 170 50 - 60 ---
Mixed pickles 160 - 170 50 - 60 15
Kohlrabi, peas, asparagus 160 - 170 50 - 60 15 - 20
1) Leave standing in oven when switched off
Information on acrylamides
Important! According to the newest
scientific knowledge, if you brown food
(specially the one which contains starch),
acrylamides can pose a health risk. Thus,
we recommend that you cook at the lowest
temperatures and do not brown food too
electrolux 17