108. BIOS 2.02
109. Only supported in a boot from SAN configuration.
110. PowerEdge 2550 and PowerVault 775N support a maximum of 2 Emulex HBAs at one time and the total PCI power cannot exceed 20 Watts.
111. Dell PowerEdge 6450 does not support Emulex LP9802/DC HBAs.
112. Driver Version 7.04.00 This driver is included in the VMware ESX kernel. Requires BIOS 1.45 (HP BL30p specific) available from QLogic at http://www.qlogic.com
113. Firmware Version 1.00a12 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
114. Driver Version elx_7.4.013 This driver is included in the VMware ESX kernel.
115. BIOS 3.03a7 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
116. BIOS 2.06 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
117. FCode Value 2.72a2
118. BIOS 1.70a3 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
119. VxVM is not supported on servers booting from the array.
120. BIOS 1.70a3
121. EMC provides documentation for boot configurations that contains helpful information for systems booting from EMC storage. Visit EMC Powerlink and download part number
300−000−603 for the Windows Host Connectivity Guide.
122. EMC provides in−depth documentation for configurations with QLogic adapters that contains helpful information for installing and configuring QLogic adapters with EMC Storage. This
documentation is located in the EMC section of the QLogic website (http://www.qlogic.com) along with HBA drivers, and BIOS.
Cluster Software
Asianux AX [32−Bit]
EMC has qualified the following cluster software. Please refer to the Base Connectivity table(s) for
information concerning server models, HBAs, drivers, firmware, operating system requirements
and other special notes.
Asianux AX [32−Bit]
No. Operating System Cluster Software Infrastructure Software Storage Array
1 Asianux AX [32−Bit] 2.0 SP1
1, 2, 3
NEC ClusterPro X 1.0 EMC PowerPath: 4.5.1, 4.5.3 EMC CLARiiON AX150
2 Asianux AX [32−Bit] 2.0: SP1
1, 2, 3
, SP2
2, 4, 5
NEC ClusterPro X 1.0 EMC PowerPath 5.0.0 EMC CLARiiON AX150
1. Kernels supported: 2.6.9−34.21AX.
Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
2. The LVM included as part of this update is supported and can be used in conjunction with PowerPath emcpower pseudo device file names as well as native sd device file names.
3. Asianux 2.0 SP1 include Redflag DC Server 5.0 SP1, Miracle Linux v4.0 SP1, Haansoft 2006 Server Asianux Server 2.0 SP1.
4. Asianux 2.0 SP2 include Redflag DC Server 5.0 SP2, Miracle Linux v4.0 SP2, Haansoft 2006 Server Asianux Server 2.0 SP2.
5. Support kernel: 2.6.9−42.7AX. Contact server vendor for support.
Asianux AX [x86_64]
EMC has qualified the following cluster software. Please refer to the Base Connectivity table(s) for
information concerning server models, HBAs, drivers, firmware, operating system requirements
and other special notes.
Asianux AX [x86_64]
No. Operating System Cluster Software Infrastructure Software Storage Array
1 Asianux AX [x86_64] 2.0 SP1
1, 2, 3
NEC ClusterPro X 1.0 EMC PowerPath: 4.5.1, 4.5.3 EMC CLARiiON AX150
2 Asianux AX [x86_64] 2.0: SP1
1, 2, 3
, SP2
2, 4, 5
NEC ClusterPro X 1.0 EMC PowerPath 5.0.0 EMC CLARiiON AX150
1. Kernels supported: 2.6.9−34.21AX.
Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
2. The LVM included as part of this update is supported and can be used in conjunction with PowerPath emcpower pseudo device file names as well as native sd device file names.
3. Asianux 2.0 SP1 include Redflag DC Server 5.0 SP1, Miracle Linux v4.0 SP1, Haansoft 2006 Server Asianux Server 2.0 SP1.
4. Asianux 2.0 SP2 include Redflag DC Server 5.0 SP2, Miracle Linux v4.0 SP2, Haansoft 2006 Server Asianux Server 2.0 SP2.
5. Supported kernels: 2.6.9−42.7AX.
Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
Microsoft Windows 2000
EMC has qualified the following cluster software. Please refer to the Base Connectivity table(s) for information
concerning server models, HBAs, drivers, firmware, operating system requirements and other special notes.
Microsoft Windows 2000
No. Operating System
Max #
Nodes Infrastructure Software Server LVM
Array Comments
1 Microsoft Windows 2000:
Advanced Server SP4, Server
1, 2
HA: 2 EMC PowerPath: 4.5.0,
4.5.1, 5.0.0, 5.0.1, 5.1
Veritas VxVM: 4.0
, 4.1
, 4.2 (Storage
, 4.3 (Storage Foundation)
, 5.0
1. Valid MSCS quorum resource configurations include both 'shared disk quorum' and 'majority node set' schemes.
2. Cluster software is not supported on Stratus ftServers.
3. Logical Volume Manager is an optional component for Windows MSCS Cluster Solutions. Use of Veritas Volume Manager (or Storage Foundation) allows use of Dynamic disks in
4. EMC provides troubleshooting and other technical notes for MSCS cluster solutions. Visit EMC Powerlink and download part number 300−000−603 for the EMC Host Connectivity
Guide for Windows.
Microsoft Windows 2003 Unified Data Storage Server [x64]
EMC has qualified the following cluster software. Please refer to the Base Connectivity table(s) for information
concerning server models, HBAs, drivers, firmware, operating system requirements and other special notes.
Microsoft Windows 2003 Unified Data Storage Server [x64]
No. Operating System
Max #
Nodes Infrastructure Software Server LVM
Array Comments
1 Microsoft Windows 2003 Unified Data
Storage Server [x64] Enterprise
Edition SP1
HA: 8 EMC PowerPath: 4.5.0, 4.5.1,
4.6.0, 4.6.1, 5.0.0, 5.0.1, 5.1,
, 5.2
Veritas VxVM: 4.0
, 4.1
, 4.2 (Storage
, 4.3 (Storage Foundation)
2, 5
1. EMC provides troubleshooting and other technical notes for MSCS cluster solutions. Visit EMC Powerlink and download part number 300−000−603 for the EMC Host Connectivity
Guide for Windows.
2. Logical Volume Manager is an optional component for Windows MSCS Cluster Solutions. Use of Veritas Volume Manager (or Storage Foundation) allows use of Dynamic disks in
3. Valid MSCS quorum resource configurations include both 'shared disk quorum' and 'majority node set' schemes.
4. PowerPath with Encryption does not support dynamic disks. PowerPath with Encryption is not supported with Windows 2008. Please refer to the PowerPath Encryption with RSA
Release Notes notes for other features and exceptions
5. Refer to the Veritas Volume Manager table for restrictions/recommendations for Storage Foundation 5.0 with DMP or PowerPath.
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