No. Host System Minimum Host Bios
1 Acer Altos R710 SE7520JR23.86B.B18.03.00.0, SE7520JR23.86B.B18.03.00.0054
2 Acer Altos R910 SHW40.86B.D.04.00.0668
Anders Rodewyk
Anders Rodewyk
No. Host System Minimum Host Bios
1 Anders Rodewyk Ariane 145, Anders Rodewyk Ariane 245 SE7520JR23.86B.B18.03.00.0,
2 Anders Rodewyk Ariane 420, Anders Rodewyk Ariane 430, Anders Rodewyk Ariane 620, Anders
Rodewyk Ariane 630
No. Host System Minimum Host Bios
1 Aquarius AquaServer NQ312 SHW40.86B.D.04.00.0668
2 Aquarius AquaServer TD322 SE7520JR23.86B.B18.03.00.0, SE7520JR23.86B.B18.03.00.0054
No. Host System Minimum Host Bios
1 BGM Elitas SP1010, BGM Elitas SR1010 SHW40.86B.D.04.00.0668
2 BGM Elitas SR510, BGM Elitas SR710 SE7520JR23.86B.B18.03.00.0, SE7520JR23.86B.B18.03.00.0054
No. Host System Minimum Host Bios
1 Bull Express 5800 120Md Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0.2251
2 Bull Express 5800 120Rc−2 Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0.0007
3 Bull Express 5800 140Hb, Bull Express 5800 140Ra4 Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0 1014
4 Bull Express 5800 140Ra−7 Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0.0033
5 Bull Express 5800 180Rb7 Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0.0022
6 Bull Express 5800 320Lb−R
1, 2
, Bull Express 5800 320Lb
1, 2
7 Bull Express 5800 330Ma−R
8 Bull Express 5800 330Mb−R
2, 3, 4
, Bull Express 5800 340Ha−R
2, 3, 4
9 Bull Express 5800 HX4600 Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0 0325
10 Bull Express 5800 MH4500 Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 5.0 SNX450 BIOS Release 1 Build 17
11 Bull NovaScale 4040 FPSWA Version 1.09, PAL version 7.36, S870BN4 Version 3.03 Build 0762
12 Bull NovaScale Blade 2021 v1.02; BWE011AUS
13 Bull NovaScale Blade 2320 v1.0 or higher
14 Bull NovaScale Blade B260/B280 v1.0 build BCE111AUS or higher
1. Supports Stratus OS 2.0.X through 2.1.X.
2. Bus Enumeration Issue Causes Problems using SYMCLI SCSI bus enumeration of disks will change depending on cold boot or warm boot. This causes symcli commands to fail
because the path is changed and SYMCLI can no longer communicate with the Symmetrix.
By "shutdown" and booting system, internal disks are assigned first, followed by Symmetrix disks.
By "restart" the system, Symmetrix disks are assigned first, followed by internal disks. Drive letter are not changed in both cases.
The workaround is to perform "symcfg discover" after rebooting.
3. Systems running Stratus OS 1.2.2.X or 1.3 require MS hotfix Q327477 and VxVM 2.7 Hotfix 5A. Stratus OS 1.3.1 and above incorporates these hotfixes.
4. Supports Stratus OS 1.3.X through 2.1.X.
No. Host System Minimum Host Bios
1 Compusys ProManaged SR1400JR2, Compusys ProManaged SR2400JR2 SE7520JR23.86B.B18.03.00.0, SE7520JR23.86B.B18.03.00.0054
03/04/2009 945 Host BIOS