Installing the Admhost Utility
Installing and Using the Admhost and Admsnap Utility
5. Select Admhost Utility and then select the Windows operating
system running on the server. The following three options are
• Windows Server 2003
• Windows 2000
The Navisphere Admhost Setup page opens.
6. Click Next to continue.
The License Agreement dialog box appears.
7. Click Yes to accept the agreement.
The Setup Customer Information dialog box appears.
8. If your name and company name are not displayed correctly, type
them and click Next.
The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears.
9. Click Next to choose the default destination folder,
C:\Program Files\EMC\Navisphere Admhost, or click Browse
to select a different drive and/or destination folder.
The Select Program Folder dialog box opens.
10. Click Next to select the default program folder to hold the
program icons, or choose another folder.
Setup installs the admhost files in the location you specified.
11. An Installation Wizard Complete dialog box appears.
Click Finish to close the dialog box.
12. Remove the CD-ROM from its drive and store it safely.
You have installed the admhost software on a Windows server or the
VMware Windows Virtual Machine. If you selected the default
destination folder, admhost is installed in the directory C:\Program
Files\EMC\Navisphere Admhost.