
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Windows Installation Guide
Silent Installations and Removals
Performing a silent installation
1. On another attached Windows server (not the same server on
which you created the response file), enter one of the commands
below to install the Host Agent.
If your server has an existing configuration file and you do not
want to replace it during the installation, enter:
Setup.exe -s -f1fullpath\responsefilename
Indicates a silent installation. A silent installation requires
no input after you enter the command.
Specifies the full pathname of the Host Agent response file
you created in step 1 on page A-10.
Specifies the full pathname and filename of the log file. We
recommend that you create the log file on a local directory
so you do not override a log file from another server’s
For example
Setup.exe -s -f1E:\aSafeDir\agentInst.iss
If you are installing a new configuration file or overriding an
existing configuration file, enter:
Setup.exe -userid userid -server servername | -cfgfile "fullpath
and configuration file filename" -override -s
-f1fullpath\responsefilename -f2fullpath\logfilename
Important If you are creating a new configuration file or overriding
an existing configuration file, you must specify at the -userid with the
-server switch or the -cfgfile or -override switch.