Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Appendix E: Support for HART
June 2014
Appendix E: Support for HART Transmitters
Some Explosion-proof (Exd) rated transmitters have a high input voltage requirement which can
result in HART communication failing to function at high loop currents. For example, the
Explosion-proof version of the Rosemount 5400 Series transmitter has a minimum input voltage
requirement as follows:
15.5 Vdc at 21.75 mA
20 Vdc at 3.75 mA
The Exd version of Rosemount 5400 Series transmitter would not be suitable for use with the
MCU900 Series control unit.
Tabl e E-1 shows the minimum MCU900 terminal output voltage (worst case conditions) for
varying load conditions.
Table E-1. Minimum terminal output voltages from control unit
E.3.2 Universal and common practice commands
Support for the Universal and Common Practice commands of all other HART 5/6/7
transmitters is provided in accordance with HART practice.
Table C-2 on page 132 shows the menu structure and parameters for generic HART 5/6/7
transmitters parameters as seen on a MCU900 Series control unit or other HART-based devices.
Universal commands
#0 Read unique identifier.
#1 Read primary variable.
#2 Read loop current and percent of range.
#3 Read dynamic variables and loop current.
#6 Write polling address.
#7 Read loop configuration.
#12 Read message.
#13 Read tag, descriptor, date.
#14 Read primary variable transducer information.
#15 Read device information.
#16 Read final assembly number.
#17 Write message.
voltage Vdc
resistance ohms
3.6 21.0 2370 Minimum fault current
4.0 20.8 2195 Normal minimum output
20.0 13.9 95 Normal maximum output
21 13.6 50 Maximum o/p fault level