Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Section 4: Getting started
June 2014
Section 4: Getting started82
Totalizer mode relay
A Totalizer relay can output a pulse for each time that the internal totalizer count (D828)
increments. The duration of the pulse may set using parameter P534.
P534 Pulse Width (Factory default is 100)
The duration controls both the 'On' time and the 'Off' time - i.e. the pulse width - and
may be set to a value between 10 ms and 2.5 seconds in steps of 10ms.
If the totalizer count is running faster than the relay can produce pulses, an internal
accumulator stores the excess pulses. The stored excess pulses are output by the
Totalizer relay after the totalizer count rate reduces.
Sampler mode relay
Sampler relays output pulses at a slower rate than a Totalizer relay. The Sampler relay can be
used as a coarse totalizer or as a trigger to an external event.
P535 Sampler Factor (Factory default is 0)
This is for defining the frequency of the Sampler pulse. For example, a value of 100
means that the Sampler relay outputs a single pulse for every 100
increment to the
Totalizer Count (D828/D829)
The pulse width is the same as selected for the Totalizer relay (P534)
For information on setting up the totalizer, see page 95 onwards.
Fault mode relay
Fault relays de-energize when a particular fault condition exists. Parameter D831 shows a list of
active faults. Table 4-8 on page 94 has a summary of reporting methods for faults.
P560 System Fault (Factory default is Both)
Fault relay de-energizes while there is a control unit fault and the option is Both or Relay
P561 CU Temp Fault (Factory default setting is None)
Fault relay de-energizes while the CPU temperature rises above 65C and the option is
Both or Relay. Read-only parameter D844 shows the live temperature reading
P562 Xmtr Fault (Factory default setting is None)
Fault relay de-energizes while a HART transmitter signals a fault and the option is
Both or Relay