Setting Up Parameters
Figure 7: Auto-Tune Dialog Box - Auto-Tune Mode 3
After the Auto-Tune Mode has been selected, click Proceed, to start the Auto-Tune. When the Auto-Tune is completed the
results will be in the Values from Drive column on the Motor view.
Save .ddf Values Button
Once the user has entered the data for the motor they are using, they may or may not wish to save the motor data to the
Motor.ddf file so it can be easily recalled at a later time. If the user does not save the motor data to the Motor.ddf file, then
the motor data will only reside in the specific application configuration file that it has been entered into.
In order to save the motor data to the Motor.ddf file, click the Save .ddf Values button. This takes all the parameter values
and writes them to the Motor.ddf file.
When saving to the .ddf file, if PowerTools Pro finds that a motor already exists with the same name, the User Defined Motor
Name Conflict dialog box will appear. The user must then decide how to proceed with saving the motor data .ddf file.
User Defined Motor Name Conflict Dialog Box
The purpose of this dialog box is to resolve conflicts between the application’s motor settings and those defined in the .ddf
The User Defined Motor Name Conflict dialog box opens during the following conditions:
1. From the Motor view, click the Save .ddf values button and the motor already exists with the same name but has different
motor parameters
2. Opening an application (or uploading a application), where the Use Motor data from the .ddf file check box is select but
the data in the application no longer matches the .ddf file.
This occasionally occurs when a newer version of PowerTools Pro is installed and the parameters for the standard motors
has been updated in the .ddf file.
If the motor name does not exist in the .ddf file, it will be written into the file.