Operational Overview
Home Limit Distance Hit
This output function indicates that no home reference was sensed during the move to the Home Limit Distance.
In + and In - Motion
This output function is activated whenever the velocity is greater than the In Motion Velocity parameter in the positive or
negative direction. The default value for the In Motion Velocity parameter is 10 RPM. Hysteresis is used to avoid a high
frequency toggling of this output function. This function is deactivated when the motor velocity slows to less than 1/2 of the
In Motion Velocity parameter.
Index in Position
At the end of an index this output is activated when the position feedback is within a specified window of distance from the
position command for a specific amount of time.
To implement this function the user must set up an "index in position" window and time (found in the Position view). After
the index command is complete, the output will not become active until the position feedback is within the "index in position"
window for the amount of time specified by "index in position" time.
Over Temperature Current Limit Active (MDS Only)
The Over Temperature Current Limit Active output will turn on when the measured heatsink temperature is above 70° C.
This output will limit the drive module peak current available to 170% of continuous current. This limitation only happens
in the MD-410, MD-420 and MD-434 drive modules. This output will stay active until the heatsink has had time to cool down
to 60° C.
Power Module System Ready (MDS Only)
The System Ready output is active (high) when the power module has completed the powerup sequence properly. Once this
signal is active the drive module can be enabled. The System Ready output remains high during normal system operation and
turns low in case of system fault. If AC power is on and System Ready output is low, one of the following has occurred: Shunt
fault, Over Temperature fault or High VAC Input.
Power Stage Enabled
This output is active when the drive or drive module is OK and enabled. It will go inactive when anything happens to disable
the output power stage.
Registration Limit Distance Hit
This output function will activate if a registration index travels the full limit distance without seeing a registration sensor or
torque level (depending on which was selected).
Shunt Active
This is a real time indicator of the internal shunt activity.
Travel Limit + and -
These output functions are active when the associated Travel Limit input functions are active.
Torque at Max Velocity
This output function is active only when the drive is in Analog Torque Mode. When "Torque Velocity Limiting" is enabled
and the velocity feedback reaches the specified "Max Velocity" this output is activated and the motor velocity reaches a
Torque Level 1 and 2 Active
This output is active if the Torque Command exceeds the specified Torque Level 1 value.
Torque Limit Active
This output is active if the Torque Command exceeds the specified Torque Limit value. (The Torque Command Actual is
limited to the torque limit).