24 Micro Motion EtherNet/IP Module
5.2 Common problems
Symptom Resolution
Problem during configuration
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Serial communication failed. Try again.
The Config Line LED turns red in the
Ethernet Config Tool.
Serial communication failed. Try again.
The serial port seems to be avail-
able, but it is not possible
to connect to the EtherNet/IP
• The serial port may be in use by another application. Exit the EtherNet/IP Module
Configuration Tool and close all other applications, including the ones in the system
tray. Try again.
• Select another serial port. Try again.
Poor performance • In the Ethernet Config Tool, right-click
Sub-Network in the Navigation window and
Sub-Network Status to see status / diagnostic information about the Moldbus
serial network. If the EtherNet/IP Module reports a large number of re-transmissions,
check your cabling and/or try a lower baud rate setting for the Modbus serial network
(if possible).
• Is the Sub-Net Monitor in the Ethernet Config Tool active? The sub-network monitor
has a negative influence on the overall performance of the gateway, and should be
used only when necessary.
• Is the Node Monitor in the Ethernet Config Tool active? The node monitor has a
negative influence on the overall performance of the gateway, and should be used
only when necessary.
No Modbus serial network func-
• Use the Data logger functionality of the Ethernet Config Tool to record the serial data
communication on the sub-network.
• If no data is being transmitted, use the Ethernet Config Tool to check the configura-
• If no data is being received, check the cables and connections. Also verify that the
transmitted data is correct.
Process variables displayed or
reported as 0
• Verify the Modbus connection between the EtherNet/IP Module and the device.