Before You Begin
User Manual 1
1 Before You Begin
1.1 About the Micro Motion EtherNet/IP Module
The Micro Motion EtherNet/IP Module is a customization of the Anybus Communicator from
HMS Industrial Networks. The EtherNet/IP Module enables integration of industrial devices into
the Ethernet network with no loss of functionality, control, or reliability. The EtherNet/IP
Module can be used for new or retrofit installations.
This manual contains only the information required to install, configure, and use the EtherNet/
IP Module. Other OEM features are still enabled on the device, but are not documented here.
For information on other features of the device, see the manual entitled Anybus Communicator
User Manual, available on the HMS web site.
1.1.1 Functional overview
The EtherNet/IP Module acts as a gateway between the serial output of a Micro Motion device
and an EtherNet/IP network.
The EtherNet/IP Module is a Modbus master and an Ethernet slave. On the Modbus side, it polls
the transmitter for a standard set of process variables and stores the data locally. See Section
B.3 for a list of available data. On the Ethernet side, it receives requests for data and responds
with the current values.
The following figures illustrate the EtherNet/IP Module in operation.
• In Figure 1-1, the EtherNet/IP Module is installed with a Model 1500 or Model 2500
transmitter. See the Product Data Sheet for a list of all supported transmitters. All
sensor connections are supported (integral, 4-wire, 9-wire).
• In Figure 1-2, the EtherNet/IP Module is part of an MVD Direct Connect installation.
• The web browser is used for transmitter configuration and administration, via a
connection to the Micro Motion web pages on the EtherNet/IP Module.
• The configuration loop is used only by the Micro Motion Ethernet Config Tool. In typical
installations, this tool is not needed.