EPSON Stylus Pro 7000 Revision B
Disassembly & Assembly Disassembly Flow 121 Front Cover Removal
1. Open the Front Cover.
2. Push in the two hooks to the left of the cover and remove the front shaft
Figure 4-22. Front Cover Removal 1/3
3. On the right, remove the E-ring and the spring.
Figure 4-23. Front Cover Removal 2/3
4. Remove the two resin stopper clips (white plastic) from the front cover
support shaft on the left, and then pull out the front cover support shaft to
the left. Be aware that the front cover spring L and Front Cover come free
at this time.
Figure 4-24. Front Cover Removal 3/3
5. Remove the Front Cover and front cover spring R from the front cover
support shaft.
Spring catch
Front cover
spring L
Front shaft
Shaft cover
hooks x2
Front cover
support shaft
Front cover
support shaft
Front cover
spring R
Spring catch
Push the front cover support shaft back to the left to insert the
left plastic resin stopper.
Make sure you replace the front cover springs correctly.
Confirm the movement of the cover and operation of the
cover-open sensor. See “Cover Open Sensor Assembly”
on page 200 for details.
Front cover
support shaft
Two plastic
resin stoppers