EPSON Stylus Pro 7000 Revision B
Adjustment Self-Diagnostic Mode Menus 191
This function makes sure the P REAR sensor correctly detects the rear edge of
cut-sheet paper to allow the user to print with the largest possible printable
area but without printing off the edge of the paper and marring future
printouts. The printer prints an A3-size test pattern. Using a ruler, measure
the distance from the rear edge of the pattern to the rear edge of the paper,
and then enter this measurement when prompted. This value is stored in the
printer’s firmware to be referenced against the printhead nozzle position.
1. Make sure "Adj Rear Sensor Pos." appears, and press the Enter button.
2. Load A3-size paper in portrait (short edge first) orientation when you see
the "Please Set CutSheet" message. After the paper initializes, press the
Enter button to print the check pattern.
3. After printing is finished, measure the distance from the rear edge of the
printed pattern to the rear edge of the paper. Press the Enter button until
you see "RearSen. Pos. xx.xmm", and then enter the measurement in
increments of 0.1mm using the item select (Paper Feed) +/- buttons. After
entering the measurement, press the Enter button.
Figure 5-37. Rear Sensor Adjustment Operation
Figure 5-38. Rear Sensor Position Adjustment/Measurement
Please Set Cut Sheet
Load A3-size paper short edge first.
Printing Pattern
Paper Width 627mm
RearSen. Pos. +3mm
Enter the value
with the Paper
Feed [+] or [-]
next menu
Input this