
2. Click the Scan icon.
3. Select any displayed scan settings you want to use.
Note: See the Help information in Document Capture Pro or Document Capture for details.
4. Click Scan.
You see a preview of your scan in the Document Capture Pro or Document Capture window.
5. Click one of the cloud service Destination icons to choose where to save your scanned file.
Web Folder (WebDAV)
Evernote (Windows only)
Google Drive
Microsoft SharePoint server (Windows only)
Note: You may need to click the arrow next to the icons in order to see all of them. The available
icons may vary, depending on the software version you are using.
6. Select your Destination settings.
Note: The settings may vary, depending on the software version you are using. See the Help
information in Document Capture Pro or Document Capture for details.
7. Select any other scan settings as necessary, and click Send.
Your originals are scanned and uploaded to the indicated server.
Note: You can also create a scan job for uploading scanned images to a SharePoint server or a cloud
service. You can use the scan job when you scan with Document Capture Pro or Document Capture or
when you scan using the Document Capture Pro option on the product control panel.
Parent topic: Scanning Special Projects