870-03-005 rev.05/30/03
• ARMS Orderguide • 35
Configure Your Own Mobile WorkStand
Start with the basic components below.Then add peripherals and components listed on the previous
page.Next, choose arms/pivots to mount your monitor, keyboard and/or laptop:400, 300, 200 and 100
Series are compatible with Mobile WorkStand.
Note:When selecting arms/pivots, consult an Representative to ensure proper configuration.
Custom Pole lengths can also be ordered.
Part Description Dimensions Shipping
Number H x W x D Weight
20-080, chrome 2" Round Pole 50" x 2" x 2" 7 lbs
(1270 x 51 x 51 mm) (3.2 kg)
33-061, black Base & Casters 7" x 27" x 27" 13 lbs
(178 x 686 x 686 mm) (5.9 kg)
90-015-100, chrome Handle 1" x 9-1/4" x 11" 2 lbs
(25 x 235 x 279 mm) (.9 kg)
Brackets to Mount Arms & Peripherals to Mobile WorkStand
For both arms/pivots and peripherals**, select the appropriate bracket listed below.Attach anywhere
along the Pole.
Part Description Application Shipping
Number Weight
60-131-003, Pole Mount Brackets Mounts:400, 300, 200 Series, 400 Combo 2 lbs
aluminum* (2 Brackets) (.9 kg)
60-144-003, Pole Mount Bracket Mounts:CPU Holders, Wire Storage Basket 1 lbs
aluminum (1 Bracket) (.5 kg)
60-199-003, Split Pole Mount BracketMounts:400, 300 & 200 Series, 400 Combo, 2 lbs
aluminum* (1 Bracket) CPU Holders, Storage Basket (.9 kg)
For use with Pole having no open end –
facilitates mounting after ARMS are in place
97-094-099, grey Pole Mount Bracket Mounts:100 Series Pivots, Extender for 100 Series 2 lbs
97-094-085, black Kit for Pivot (1 Bracket (.9 kg)
& Pivot Mount Plate)
60-382-099, grey Pivot Mount Plate Mounts:100 Series Pivots to Bracket 1 lbs
60-382-085, black (.5 kg)
*400, 300, 200 Series, and 400 Combo require two Brackets for installation.
**Refer to the peripheral’s description to see whether Bracket is necessary.
Note:Brackets provide attachment holes on two sides.This allows an additional Arm or peripheral to be mounted on
the opposite side.However, a 100 Series Pivot may only be mounted to one side.
Page #
Accessory Options
400 Vertical Mount Arms
300 Vertical Mount Arms
200 Vertical Mount Arms
100 Pivots
CPU Holders, Base Tray, Footrest, Storage Basket
Weighted Base, Cable Box
Keyboard/Mouse Trays, Laptop Trays & Accessories
Page #
Surface Attachment Options
Mounting Options & Accessories for Mobile WorkStand