870-03-005 rev. 05/30/03
• ARMS Orderguide • 45
Attach your monitor to Ergotron ARMS with the Quick Mounting Kit – no tools necessary.The Quick
Release Kit makes removal and reattachment of your monitor fast and easy. The Tamper Resistant Kit
secures the lever of the Quick Release Kit.
Part Description Application Shipping
Number Weight
97-182-085, black Quick Mounting Kit, Connects ARMS to monitor’s VESA FDMI interface 1 lbs
(4) Screws w/ easy-turn (.5 kg)
knob head
60-244-007, black* Quick Release Kit Mounts between 75 mm monitor interface 1 lbs
75 mm & 75 mm ARMS product interface (.5 kg)
60-243-007, black* Quick Release Kit Mounts between 100 mm monitor interface 1 lbs
100 mm & 100 mm ARMS product interface (.5 kg)
90-022 Quick Release Tamper Prevents tampering of monitor mounted 1 lbs
Resistant Kit with Quick Release Kit (.5 kg)
(1 screw & hex wrench)
90-023 Quick Release Tamper Prevents tampering of monitors mounted 1 lbs
Resistant Kit with Quick Release Kits (.5 kg)
(10 screws)
60-254-007, black 75 x 75 mm to Mounts 100 x 100 mm monitor to 1 lbs
100 x 100 mm, Ergotron Arm w/ 75 x 75 mm interface (.5 kg)
Conversion Plate Kit
97-197-200, black 100 x 200 mm Attaches to monitors using the 2 lbs
Adapter Plate Kit VESA MIS-E, C Interface Standard (.9 kg)
* Fasteners to attach VESA FDMI compliant monitors and most Ergotron custom interfaces are provided.
However, user may need to supply own fasteners for some applications.
Monitor Interface
60-244-007 60-243-007
97-197-200, converts 100 x 200 mm
monitors into 75 x 75 mm or 100 x 100 mm
hole pattern
CPU Holders
Mounts CPUs in a vertical, tower position. Each holder’s width is adjustable. Four sizes are available to
accommodate equipment of 1-1/2" to 11" wide.
Part Description Dimensions Weight Shipping
Number H x W x D Capacity Weight
80-053-100, grey CPU Holder, 4" x 10" x 1-1/2–2-1/2" 40 lbs 3 lbs
Extra Small (102 x 254 x 38–64 mm) (18.1 kg) (1.4 kg)
80-063-100, grey CPU Holder, 6" x 10" x 2-5/8–4-1/8" 50 lbs 6 lbs
80-063-101, black Small (152 x 254 x 67–105 mm) (22.7 kg) (2.7 kg)
80-058-100, grey CPU Holder, 6-1/2" x 10" x 4-1/2–8" 100 lbs 10 lbs
80-058-101, black Medium (165 x 254 x 114–203 mm) (45.4 kg) (4.5 kg)
80-059-100, grey* CPU Holder, 14-5/8" x 12" x 6-1/8–11" 150 lbs 14 lbs
80-059-101, black* Large (372 x 305 x 156–279 mm) (68.1 kg) (6.4 kg)
* The Large CPU Holder (80-059-xxx) is not compatible with the Mobile WorkStand.
Note: To attach to Wall Track, Bracket 60-156 is required.To attach to Command Post, order either Bracket
60-157-100 or 60-158-100. Also mounts directly to surface: fasteners supplied by user when direct mounting.
CPU Shelves
Mounts CPUs in horizontal, desktop position. Cable through-holes are located in the rear.
Part Description Dimensions Weight Shipping
Number W x D x H Capacity Weight
80-060-100, grey CPU Shelf, 17" x 17" x 5" 100 lbs 16 lbs
80-060-101, black Medium (432 x 432 x 127 mm) (45.4 kg) (7.3 kg)
80-061-100, grey* CPU Shelf, 22" x 20" x 7-1/2" 150 lbs 20 lbs
80-061-101, black* Large (559 x 508 x 191 mm) (68.1 kg) (9.1 kg)
* Do not use CPU Shelf, Large (80-061-xxx) with 2" x 2" Command Posts (20-142-100, 20-143-100).
Note: To attach to Wall Track, Bracket 60-156 is required.To attach to Command Post, order either Bracket
60-157-100 or 60-158-100. Also mounts directly to surface: fasteners supplied by user when direct mounting.
CPU Holders