to arm all active arm zones. The following message is displayed:
Press to exit. The controller will wait for the period of time defined as “alarm
delay” and then arm all active arm zones.
Disarm the System using the Controller Keypad
In order to utilize this function, the user must have the ARM PIN and the card must
be logged in as ARM enabled. Assume the system is in armed status. The user swipes
the card to enter the door. The controller will disarm all active arm zones in arm delay
time. For example, if the system is in armed status and a card is presented, the
controller will disarm all active arm zones for the amount of time assigned as the arm
delay. During this time, no alarm outputs will be generated even if an alarm input is
Similar to the procedure to arm the system, press
on the keypad. Enter the
ARM password and press
to confirm. After the password is verified the current
system ARM status will be displayed as shown below:
to disarm all active arm zones. The following message is displayed:
Press to exit.
Clear the Alarm
When system is generating an active, ongoing alarm output, follow the procedure
below to clear the alarm.
At the window showing system time, press
on the keypad. Enter the ARM
password and press
to confirm. After password is verified the following menu
window appears:
Reset Alarm?
[ENT] to Reset
System Disarmed
[ENT] to Arm
System Armed
[ENT] to Disarm
System Armed
[ENT] to Disarm
System Disarmed
[ENT] to Arm