Setup the User Accounts for the Software
of Flex series access control software is a person who operates the software
at any user interface. Each user belongs to a certain authority group. The authority
group defines the authority level of users over the operations in the software.
Different authority groups have the different access to the operations in the software.
The first step to use the software is to setup a user list that defines who will be able to
use the software, and assign the authority group to each user. This user name and the
password will be required to login the software.
Please note that a user in admin group is required to configure all the other settings.
For the details to setup a user account, please refer to the software manual.
Configure the Controller and All Other Hardware
In this step, users need to set all the configurations for the controllers, doors, readers
and alarms. All these configurations are closely related to the hardware. The rough
sub steps are as below:
1. Add a controller to the system
Go to the controller configuration dialog box in the software. Click the ‘add’
button, give the RS485 address for the controller, set the serial port for the
controller and click the submit button to connect a controller.
If the wiring is correct and the address of the controller is valid, the software
should be able to find the controller and show the status of the controller as
‘online’. This indicates that the controller has been added to the system.
2. Configure the door settings
Door name, door open time and door held open time should be configured
in this step.
Door name is used to help users remember the door location and help make
the configuration process easier.
Door open time defines the amount of time that the door can remain open
after the door is unlocked, before an alarm is generated by the controller.
For more detailed information on door settings, please refer to the chapter in
this manual entitled “controller functionality and configuration”.
3. Configure the reader settings
Users can configure the following properties of the readers: the reader-to-
door allocation, the keypad reader and the system reader. For the more
details about the reader settings, please refer to chapter 6.