:Auto regress to the shortest path during set a position. It can
shorten the response delay, and increase the response performance and speed dome
ON: Enable the auto regress function.
OFF: Disable the auto regress function.
22. MOTION: This is used to set a limitation for Auto Pan function. When Motion is ON,
you can use Auto Pan function simply by pressing “Shift“+ “A.Pan “of the keyboard
(according to A. Pan position you have set).
OFF: Motion limitation function is disabled.
LIMIT: Press “Enter” first.
The message NOW LIMIT OFF shows up, press “Enter” again.
The message CHANGE ON shows up, press “Enter” to change.
To change the value back to OFF, simply follow the same steps again.
If you need to reset, press “IRIS –“ of the keyboard to exit.
23. TOUR:
:Tour setting or tour run option. Press “Enter” first to enter tour mode.
Shift joystick to right and left (< >), shift SET or RUN option. (Shift the joystick up for
returning to previous setting). Press “Enter” to confirm.
For Tour setting: Shift joystick to right and left (< >) for changing Set Numeral
(T01A~T16A), then press “Enter” to confirm.
Shift joystick to right and left for selecting PRE Numeral (position) from 01~99, then press
“Enter” to confirm.
Shift joystick up and down to adjust DWL (dwell) time from 0~99 sec, then press “Enter” to
Shift joystick to right and left for adjusting speed (5~235, with an interval of 5), then press