“Enter” to confirm.
For Tour Run:
Shift joystick to right and left for selecting RUN NUM (T01A~T16A) of the tour that you
previously set. Press “Enter” to start running the tour.
Alternatively, you could run the tour without entering MENU. Press “Position + 97” to run
the tour that you have previously set, please be informed that this function is only valid for
If you need to reset, press “IRIS –“ of the keyboard to exit.
24. X CNT:
: X-axis counter. This counter counts the x axis movement, and 1 is counted
when the speed dome pans 360°.
25. Y CNT:
: Y-axis counter. This counter counts the y axis movement, and 1 is counted
when the speed dome tilts 180°.
26. PO CNT:
: Position counter. This counter counts the go-position times, 1 is counted
when speed dome goes to a position once.
: Load default setting.
Select this item, and then press “Enter” to load default setting.
Press “Clr” + “Menu” whenever you want to quit menu setting.
28. EXIT : To exit.
Select this item, and then press “Enter” to quit setting.
Press “Clr” + “Menu” whenever you want to quit menu setting.