Weighing ZSME300000036
(3). Accumulation Function
1. Weight Accumulation
Place the object on the platter, after the weight display is stable, press M+ key
to save the present weight value into memory. Meanwhile, the screen displays
“total count accumulation” and then “total weight accumulation”, and the
accumulation (M+) indication “6” will be flashing. After 3 seconds, the screen will
display the weight on platter, and the accumulation (M+) indication “6” lights up.
If the weight is unstable after pressing M+ key, the screen will display “ ”.
4 The scale can be continuous to accumulate the next weight without re-zeroing.
When the changes of weight on the platter is higher than ±10d, press M+
key, after being stable, it’s capable to save the weight into memory.
4 Accumulation count is up to 9999, but display digit is up to 6.
2. Accumulation Clearing
♦ Press RECALL and then CE to clear all the accumulation.
♦ Accumulation will be cleared automatically after turning off.
3. Accumulation Recall
While pressing RECALL key, the screen will display “total count accumulation”,
and then “total weight accumulation”. It will be back to the original mode after
accumulation (M+) light “6” flashing for 3 seconds. If no accumulation, it will be back
to the original mode after the screen displays “total count accumulation”.
(4). Zero Function
If zero drift happens during operating the scale, which means no objects on platter,
but the screen displays tiny weight value, press ZERO/→ to re-zero. Meanwhile,
the screen will display the zero (à0ß) indication.
(5). Net / Gross Switch
If it has tare or pre-tare at present, press G/N/↓ and the screen displays the gross
value. Meanwhile, all the keys are no function, and press G/N/↓ to return displaying
net weight value.