Weighing ZSME300000036
4 Single Point Presetting
Lower limit only
Method (I)
After finished presetting lower limit, the screen displaysï ð . . Press
PRESET once again. If the screen displays . , the “single point
presetting” is completed.
Method (II)
After finished presetting lower limit, upper limit and buzzer, press PRESET once.
When the screen displaysï ð . , press RECALL twice again. At
this time the screen displays presetting upper limit, press CE once. If the screen
displays . , the “single point presetting” is completed.
Upper limit only
After finished presetting, press PRESET once. When the screen displays
ï ð . , press RECALL once. At this time the screen displays
presetting lower limit, press CE once. Then the screen displays presetting upper
limit, press ESC or RECALL to exit. If the screen displays . , the
“single point presetting” is completed.