IN1606 and IN1608 Series Scaling Presentation Switcher • SIS Configuration and Control 43
SIS Overview
Using the Command and Response Tables
The Command and Response Tables for SIS commands beginning on page 48 lists
the commands that the scaler recognizes as valid, the responses that are returned to the
host, a description of the command function or the results of executing the command, and
examples of commands in ASCII (Telnet) and URL encoded (Web).
NOTE: Upper and lower case text can be used interchangeably unless otherwise
ASCII to Hex Conversion Table
Figure 30. ASCII to Hexadecimal Character Conversion Table
Symbol Definitions
= Space
= Carriage return with line feed
= Carriage return with no line feed (for URL-encoded commands, use the pipe
character, |, instead)
| = Pipe (vertical bar) character
= Escape key (for URL-encoded commands, use W instead)
14, 24, 28
= Superscripts indicate the error message displayed if the command is entered
incorrectly or with invalid parameters (see Error response references on
page 42)
= Input selection
1-6 (IN1606)
1-8 (IN1608 Series)
= Output selection 1 = HDMI A (top connector)
2 = HDMI B (bottom connector)
3 = Out C
= Input video format 1 = RGB (default for inputs 1 and 2)
2 = YUV
3 = RGBcvS
4 = S-video
5 = Composite
6 = HDMI (default for inputs 3 and higher)
= Horizontal or vertical start 0-255 (default midpoint of 128 translates to the
default value in the input lookup tables)
= Pixel phase 0-63 (31 = default)
= Total pixels ±512 of the default value