IN1606 and IN1608 Series Scaling Presentation Switcher • Configuration Software 82
To open a previously saved device list:
1. Click the Open Device List... button (
). The Open Device List window opens.
2. Navigate to the location of the saved device list file and select it.
3. Click the Open button. The Open Device List window closes.
NOTE: Valid files have a .mfst file extension.
To edit the communication settings of target devices in the device list:
NOTE: A firmware file is not loaded to a device if the TCP/IPinformation is invalid, the
target device is not connected, or the target device is not powered.
1. In the same row as the desired device, select the icon. The Edit dialog box opens.
2. Enter the new values in the appropriate fields (they are the same as in the TCP/IP
To remove a target device from the device list:
In the same row as the desired device, select the icon.
This option contains a link to the device help file.
From the Device drop-down menu, select device-specific Help. The help file opens in a
separate window.
About This Module
This option contains the device module part number and firmware version of the connected
1. From the Device drop-down menu, select About This Module.... The About This
dialog box opens.
Figure 56. About This Module Dialog Box
2. Click the Close button to close the dialog box.